Create a Presidential Crowd Poll for Your Virtual Event

October 19, 2015

Are you curious which candidate is most likely to win the 2020 United States Presidential Election? Are you looking for a fun way to engage your audience? Maybe break the ice at your next presentation or meeting? Or simply better understand your audience's political leanings?

I know our office is definitely abuzz with political debate already. The best way to capture your audience's attention and their political leanings is to do a FREE live interactive audience poll! Your audience certainly isn't as large as the national delegate, but the results you get will better reveal to both you and your live audience which candidate may ultimately reign victorious.

Using, we'll quickly walk you through all the steps you need to setup, launch, and gather the results of your Presidential Audience Poll. Let's have some some fun!

Donald Trump next to Joe Biden
Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Wait, what happened to Bernie!?

Prepare the Ballot!

If you haven't already, sign up for a free account at The signup process takes just a few seconds.

Crowdpurr's My Experiences view with no experiences added. A "Get Started" button is displayed
Just click "Get Started" if you don't have any experiences yet.

After logging in, you'll see a welcome message. To start creating your Poll, click on the red Get Started button.

Crowdpurr's Multiple Choice Poll experience option
Choose Multiple Choice Poll

You'll then see a list of all the available Crowdpurr interactive experiences you can create for your audience. Under Multiple-Choice Poll, click on the Create button. Crowdpurr will launch the setup wizard to create your new Multiple-Choice Poll.

First, decide how many questions you want in your Poll, and which types to use. For this tutorial, we'll only need one Multiple-Choice question, so click Next.

The Multiple Choice Poll Setup Wizard's first page allowing inputs for question quantity and type.
The Multiple Choice Poll Setup Wizard allows you to choose how many questions to add.

Next for the Playback Mode, we can just leave Host Controlled Mode selected. Since our Poll only has one question, the other Playback Modes won't have any effect. Click Next to give your Poll a name.

The Multiple Choice Poll Setup Wizard's second page allowing input for the Experience Playback Mode
Choose the Experience Playback Mode

This is the last step to create your Poll! Let's change it to something like 2020 Presidential Poll and change the description to something like Vote on who you think the next President of the United States should be! Click Rock N' Roll to create your Poll!

The Multiple Choice Poll Setup Wizard's third page allowing  inputs for the title and description.
Give it a title and click Rock N' Roll!

Edit the Audience Poll Question

Welcome to your new audience poll! Now, let's edit the question of your audience poll. Click on the blue tab Question(s) Setup. This is where you edit your question and the answer choices available to your audience when it's time to vote. 

All the way to the right, click on the green circular pencil icon. You can now edit your question. Change it to "Who Should Be The Next President of the United States of America?" Press the Enter key, or click on the green circular check-mark icon to save the edited question.

The Experience Dashboard displays answer options that have been added to the poll.
Use the Experience Dashboard to add answer options that participants can vote on

Let's add the candidates! By default, there are four answers already added. Similar to editing questions, clicking on the pencil icon on each answer allows you to edit it. Change the answers titles to

  • Donald Trump
  • Kanye West
  • Joe Biden
  • Bernie Sanders
  • And/or other candidates you want to include

You can add more options by clicking the gray Add Answer + button at the bottom, or remove answers by clicking the red Delete button in the answer's edit panel.

You can also change the colors to represent Republican candidates (reds), Democratic candidates (blues), and Birthday Party candidates (purple). That's it, you're all set up. Now for the fun part!

Open the Audience Poll and Live Voting

Click Play to start your Poll and open live voting

On your Poll's dashboard page, click the circular Play button to open your audience poll and live voting! You may want to wait to do this until your crowd is assembled, but you can test it for fun now and reset your poll later.

Once you've started your Poll, you can click on the Participant View button directly under the Play button. This will open up the Participant View in a new window to show you what your audience will see on their mobile device when they join the poll.

On the Participant View you will now see the various answers you added to the question. Click on one of the answers to cast your vote!

Crowdpurr's Mobile View as seen on participant devices displays the various voting options of the poll.
A view of what your participants will see on their mobile devices

Back on your poll's dashboard you'll see the vote was added to the answer. Great, our 2020 Presidential Poll is working. We'll know who's going to be the next President in no time!

And the Winner Is...

The Experience Dashboard's Control Center shows the Projector View and Mobile View buttons. The Projector View button is circled.
Click the Presentation View button to open Crowdpurr's Presentation View

What fun is it if your crowd doesn't know how to participate or see the results? Time to open Crowdpurr's beautiful results window. Back on your poll's dashboard, click on the purple Presentation View button. This will open the Presentation View in a new tab. This displays both instructions for how your crowd participates in the poll through their mobile-device and your audience poll's live results in real-time as they vote!

Drag this window onto your high-def screen, overhead projector, or onto a secondary monitor. Any large display device will work. Once the window is on your desired display device, click on the Full-screen button in the lower right-hand corner. This will put the Presentation View in full-screen mode.

The Crowdpurr Projector View displays the overall results of the Poll in a bar graph.
Crowdpurr's Presentation View displays the Poll's results. This can be streamed or projected live.

That's it! Your crowd can now see both the instructions on how to access your audience poll and the results. They simply go to in their device's web browser and enter in your audience poll's five-digit code that is displayed at the bottom of the Presentation View. Your crowd can now cast their vote!

The Mobile View displays an input to enter the Poll's Experience Code
Upon going to, participants enter your Poll's Experience Code to join.

Finishing Up

When you want to end your poll, click the yellow circular Stop button on the Experience Dashboard. This will close your Poll to all future voting. To see the results privately, click on the red Results Summary tab to see a graph of the overall results of your poll and determine the next President of the United States of America.

The Experience Dashboard displays the Results Summary tab which displays a horizontal bar graph of the Poll's results
The Results Summary tab on the Experience Dashboard displays the Polls results for the host to see.

Additional Options

Since this is an important audience poll determining who the next #POTUS will be, you may want to limit each member of your audience to one vote (so someone doesn't cheat and vote for the same candidate over and over). For more relaxed polls like "Where should we go for lunch?", you can allow your voters to cast several votes in the Poll Settings tab, under the Poll Settings heading. Enable the Unlimited Voting toggle to allow voters as many votes as they want.

Reset Your Poll

Also, after you're done testing, you should reset your Poll before your actual crowd arrives. Finish your poll by clicking the Stop button, if you haven't already. After that, click on the blue Restart button that appears. Then you can choose to Clear or Keep Crowd Responses. Keeping them simply brings your Poll back to the initial state. Clearing them will permanently delete your crowd's votes, so choose carefully!

Click Clear Crowd Responses to clear out any practice runs before your actual Poll

If you're looking to add your company or organization's custom logo to your audience poll, add more than ten questions, or conduct your audience poll with a large audience, consider upgrading to a Crowdpurr Premium Account to get additional features and crowd capacity. Our free plan supports up to twenty voters per poll.

You're all set to have fun with your audience while getting some useful information that will engage your audience and spice up your next meeting or presentation. Democracy in action! Rock the vote!

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