Crowdpurr's New Trivia Question Library

April 22, 2020

Ready to impress your recurring trivia crowd with 100% original hand-crafted fresh trivia games every single week!?  The new Crowdpurr Weekly Trivia Library is now live! It's packed to to the gills with fresh new trivia content on all the fan-favorite categories, TV shows, movies, and general topics!

Crowdpurr Trivia Database as seen in the app.
The new 100% original Weekly Crowdpurr Trivia Library displays this week's trending trivia game templates.

Our Trivia Team Adds New Games Weekly

We have an expert team of amazing trivia writers that research and write new trivia games every week. Their passion for sports, movies, and video games is your trivia success! Simply log in on Mondays and check out the New category to see the week's latest games.

We'll also be showing you the Most Popular and Trending trivia games as well so you can see what's hot in the trivia world!

You can even export our original trivia questions for your paper and pencil events using our Export Questions feature (Classroom Plan and above).

Pick a Trivia Game Template.. Or Ten!

Our new trivia question library has over thirty topics filled with hundreds of 100% original trivia games. Each game is fifteen-questions long and starts easy and gets progressively harder to challenge even the sharpest trivia fans! Our trivia question database can be used on any type of trivia game including Points Mode, Team Mode, and our latest HQ-Style Survivor Mode Trivia.

We offer the following types of trivia games:

  • All the classic trivia category favorites like Movies, TV, Music, Pop Culture, Sports and many more (many of our staff trivia writers are category experts dedicated to a single topic!)
  • Broad-knowledge general-topic trivia games that have a mix of everything like our Kitchen Sink series for trivia crowds like a general mix of question topics
  • Fun, current-topic trivia games based on what's hot like Tiger King, Netflix, and #Election2020
  • Age-appropriate trivia games for fun with children and learning like Disney Movies, Math, and Science

You can choose one trivia game template to start with or ten! Crowdpurr will automatically combine your selected trivia games and evenly distribute questions from the trivia games you've selected to create your own one-of-kind handpicked trivia mix!  With Crowdpurr's virtual event support, it's easier than ever to quickly and easily get your trivia content up and running!

A set of selected trivia games are shown including "Tom Brady & The Patriots", "Super Bowl Trivia 1", and "NFL 2018."
Our trivia database combines up to ten selected trivia game templates.

Handpick Your Trivia Game's Questions

After selecting a category,  the trivia games are shown in the list to the right. Click on the blue Q15 button to preview a trivia game's questions and stats before adding it to your selections.

You can handpick which questions from each trivia game you want to add to your mix!

Trivia questions are listed from the example James Cameron Blockbusters trivia game. You can check which trivia questions you want to add from each trivia game.
Preview a trivia game template's questions and select which ones to add to your new trivia game.

Want To Mix It Up? Select Multiple Trivia Games and Shuffle!

Our new trivia question library allows you to select multiple trivia games and add them together. You can add up to ten trivia games at a time from our database.  The trivia games will be combined in the order that you selected or you can shuffle them by selecting the Shuffle Questions checkbox on the Trivia Library's options.

A list of the available Crowpurr Trivia Database categories including the "Write Your Own" category.
You can still write your own custom trivia questions too.

Write Your Own Custom Trivia Questions

You can still write and add your own custom trivia questions and answers. Simply click on the Write Your Own category and add a blank trivia game template to your selection. Or combine a blank trivia game with one of ours.

You can always add your own questions on the Experience Dashboard as well. You're also free to modify and edit our trivia game templates to suit your needs.

More Features Coming Soon

We'll be building in even more features over the coming weeks such as:

  • View author and stats data for trivia games. Follow your favorite trivia authors.
  • More options for writing your own trivia questions.
  • Trivia game cover images, question images, and GIFs will be loaded onto all trivia database games

Want To Know When We Add New Trivia Games?

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn to get our weekly trivia game updates and news.

Want To Learn More?

Want to learn how to use the new Crowdpurr trivia database in detail? Check out our Help Center article Creating Trivia Games with the Trivia Database for a complete and thorough walk-through.

Be sure to subscribe to our email list above to get the latest updates on all the new features and capabilities as we release them.

Got Feedback?

Have you been using the new Crowdpurr trivia database? Do you love it? Does it need some extra features? Was using one of our amazing writer's trivia games a big hit at your event?

Please let us know at

Thanks for using Crowpdurr and stay tuned for more updates in the near future!

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