Happy New Year from Crowdpurr! 🥳 We're back with our first update of the year. Yes, it took us a minute to shake off the holiday rust, but we're ready, saddled back up, and have so many awesome new features coming your way in 2022!
We're kicking the new year off right with our new Download QR Code feature and a new Keyboard Shortcut! Let's get into it.
New Feature: Download QR Codes
Have you ever wanted to download your experience's QR code? So you could add it to a Word document? Print it to a flyer? Text it to a group? Now you can! On the Experience Dashboard we've added a QR code button next to the Experience Code that displays your QR code and allows you to easily save it as a JPG!

For more details check out the Help Center article Downloading Experience QR Codes.
New "Experience State" Keyboard Shortcut
Ever wanted a keyboard shortcut to start your experience? Or quickly pause and unpause? We added a new keyboard shortcut on the Experience Dashboard that automatically advances the state of your experience.
Just press the P key and your experience will go from the "initial" state to "counting down". Press P again and it will start your experience. Pressing P once your experience is started will then pause and unpause your experience.
You must still click to "finish" your experience. Once your experience is finished, you can press P to reset it.
Bug Fixes and Minor Updates 🐞

We're always updating the app and fixing bugs. Want to read up on all the latest bug fixes and tweaks we make to the app each week? Then cruise on over to Crowdpurr Community and bookmark our Official Version Updates thread to get updates whenever we update a new version of the app.
What's Next?
Thank you for a great 2021. We have so much planned for our amazing customers in 2022! We can't wait to get into it and get things rolling. Here's to a great 2022!
As always, if you want to be the first to know about news, beta tests, and get all the latest updates follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn!