Are you an educator searching for new and exciting ways to engage your students? Especially after-school homework engagement When it comes to homework and in-home education there hasn’t been much innovation. Educators are starting to leverage the power of in-home tools like classroom trivia apps, that can add awesome educational gamification features. These apps open a whole new dimension for your students!
Learn how tools like Crowdpurr are powering a new generation of in-home educational experiences. Crowdpurr is a fun and exciting trivia platform that allows students to complete customized competitive trivia games in-home. Students compete in custom trivia games, earn points, rank amongst other students, and win cool rewards. All while you, the educator, track nightly completion and cumulative performance!
Traditional Education Tools Are Stale For Today’s Students

Do you have bored and unmotivated students? Doing the same type of homework from the textbook and static handouts? Today’s mobile-device activated students are thirsty for compelling, dynamic educational experiences. Such as cool apps on their own phone that feature gamification and prizes.
The current generation of students use the same paper and pencil routine they’ve followed since Kindergarten. We live in a world where social media apps and video games are used on a daily basis. Today’s students grow up with tablets and smart phones from birth. Therefore, they no longer have to learn how to use computers because they’re ingrained from any early age.
96.6% of all children use mobile devices before the age of one. Most children 3-4 years of age can use devices without help. With one-third engaging in media multi-tasking.
Exposure and Use of Mobile Media Devices by Young Children - Pediatrics - Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Edutainment 2.0: Classroom Apps
Students are responding more to alternative channels for education, especially after-school once in the home. Computer games have been in the classroom for years. But now every student has a readily-accessible computer in their hand... their phone. Or iPad at home. Using a classroom trivia app like Crowdpurr exposes students to an exciting new channel that they already know. Students simply sign in and play on their own devices to complete a nightly trivia game based on your current educational content.
Some educators may disagree on implementing in-home apps to complete assignments. However they still experience the struggle to motivate their students. Therefore, educators must think like their students. By introducing students to a new channel for homework that is similar to their favorite app or video game, overall participation and performance improves.
How About Students Having Fun and Learning?

You know what’s fun? Playing a live classroom trivia app to see if you can win first place! You know what else is fun? Winning rewards and prizes for both completing a trivia game and ranking in the top ten on the leaderboard. What if you could combine fun dynamics like this with your academic content? On a nightly basis? Forget about your students having to think about cracking the book and getting out the paper and pencil. Now they simply navigate to the nightly trivia game on their phone, tablet, or computer and get ready to compete! And learn!
The next generation of electronic learning resources are combining these dynamics into one seamless, fun, highly educational experience. All while giving educators the tools they need to input their customized academic content and track student performance over time. Oh and the best part: doling out the prizes for students for both completion and performance.
Educational Gamification
Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity. In this case: Educational Gamification. Now, students just have to do their homework. What if homework could be earning points, ranking against other students, and winning rewards for their performance beyond just a grade?

For Instance, Gamification adds excitement to educational content. Students look forward to nightly trivia challenges. They look forward to the excitement of winning. And watching those points accumulate over time. You can even create an entire series or seasons of trivia games. Although each having their own set of winners.
“Who’s going to place top ten for this month’s nightly trivia!?”
While existing classroom trivia apps exist, they don’t offer a personalized in-home component. They are not suited as a homework alternative for learning at home. Crowdpurr allows trivia games to be created that students can look forward to playing in once per week, several times per week, or even nightly! The competitive aspect along with students using their own mobile devices at home allows students to feel further connected to the classroom.
Incentivizing Classroom Performance

Sometimes receiving a decent grade for completing a homework assignment isn’t really that motivating for all students. How many of today’s students play video games though? For the fun of competition? To earn in-game rewards and prizes? Similarly what if you could reward students’ progress and performance like a video game? Rewarding students motivates them to do their best and continue to want to perform better.
Multiple Options and Customizations
Crowdpurr trivia has many options including revealing the group rankings or hiding the group rankings in order to keep other students' results private from each student. You can choose to run live games or passive games where students can join in at any time in the evening and play through the game. You can even set a time for a trivia game to start automatically. For example, students can know they have a special trivia game at 7PM on Thursdays!
Tracking Progress
With Crowdpurr classroom trivia, students can see which questions they answered correctly. Also be able to see how many points they earned as they complete a trivia game. Students can track their progress and current rank. Repeated quizzes on the same topic will allow students to hone in on their weak spots so they can answer correctly the next time. Academic performance improves on both near-term homework assignments and longer-term overall class performance.

After completing trivia games in your series, students can track their ranking by how many points they earn. This ranking updates in real-time as they complete more questions and trivia games. As an educator, you can then attach prizes and rewards to both completion and ranking. You can have flexibility in handing out per-game rankings rewards, overall series-based ranking rewards, completion rewards. There are many ways to reward all of your students.
Students can earn classroom privileges, a fun “advantage” on a future test or homework assignment, or getting to skip a required assignment. Perhaps just having the bragging rights of seeing their name posted on a “top ten” display for all to see in the classroom!
Create a Trivia Game For Your Class!
Your Students Will Be Blown Away... Along With Your Fellow Educators!
Finding new and innovative channels to improve student performance and academic success is difficult. Crowdpurr offers an exciting new channel to connect your students to their academic work. Take part in the new wave of educational tools that are leveraging students' app-savvy prowess for all things smartphone and gamified.
Challenge your students to participate in something collective, competitive and fun that is also deeply rooted in your educational content. Your classroom will look forward to competing in your nightly trivia quizzes. In Addition, to earning both bragging rights and cool prizes and rewards, your students will be happy you did!
Administrators are always searching for credible, easy to implement, and economical solutions for the classroom. When you introduce Crowdpurr’s nightly trivia quizzes to your classroom, your superiors and fellow educators will take note. Several educators have told us that their fellow educators and administrators all wanted to know what the cool new trivia app was that they were using. Because the feedback from the students was off the chart!
In Conclusion
Crowdpurr's classroom trivia app offers your classroom an exciting new format for learning. To learn more about Crowdpurr Trivia, check out the article Crowdpurr Trivia Explained over in our Help Center.
Or feel free to jump right in creating a free account at Crowdpurr and creating a Nightly Trivia Game now! is an audience engagement platform that offers several types of interactive experiences. These include Live Trivia, Live Real-Time Polls, and Social Walls that integrate Twitter and Instagram. Pricing information is available at