Improved Question Import & Export - May 2022

May 27, 2022

While not the most glamorous feature in the world, for May 2022, we're happy to report that we've updated question importing and exporting to handle every newly added feature in the last few months. Read on below!

New Feature: Full Question Import/Export 💾

To add to the coolness of the new Answer Images feature, we've updated the Export Questions and Import Questions tools to fully support all parts of your trivia game or poll! Now, when exporting questions to a CSV all of the following will be saved to the CSV:

A Crowdpurr logo with an arrow pointing to an Excel and Google Drives logo (to indicate exporting of data)
Back up your trivia games, completely, with our updated Question exporting!
  • Question Type
  • Per Question Time
  • Per Question Points
  • Question Title
  • Points Wagering & Hint 🆕
  • Question Media 🆕
  • Answer Option Titles
  • Answer Images 🆕
  • Question Notes 🆕

That's right! You can now export and save every aspect of the trivia games and polls you painstakingly create in Crowdpurr... now including Points Wagering and Hints, Question Media, Answer Images, and Question Notes!

Exporting questions to a CSV in a trivia game or poll is a Classroom Plan (or higher) feature. Learn more in our Help Center article Exporting Questions from an Experience.

Additional Improvements

In addition to the above major improvements and features we also added these smaller improvements.

Under The Hood Updates ✨

We completely updated all components of Crowdpurr under-the-hood. This included major version updates to our database, our software framework, and every library and package we use. Over 100+ performance and security updates were made to make Crowdpurr run its smoothest, fastest, and most secure version yet! You may have noticed a few bumps in the road the last two weeks... and we worked diligently to iron those out.

Bug Fixes and Minor Updates 🐞

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Official Version Updates

We're always updating the app and fixing bugs. Want to read up on all the latest bug fixes and tweaks we make to the app each week? Then cruise on over to Crowdpurr Community and bookmark our Official Version Updates thread to get updates whenever we update a new version of the app.

What's Next?

We're still working on some fun new question types. Additionally, Philip Trickey has been doing a great job with the Crowdpurr Weekly Trivia Show Podcast. We have been previewing a non-interactive trivia show the last few weeks to polish our podcasting skills. Stay tuned for an update very soon that will launch the interactive version of the show along with an amazing new feature.

As always, if you want to be the first to know about news, beta tests, and get all the latest updates follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn

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