Image-Based Trivia Games

The trivia games in this category come with a twist... your crowd must use the image to figure out the correct answer!

Image Based

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Image Based

List of Image-Based Trivia Games

Famous Street Views
Famous Street Views

Take an image-based trivia journey on some of the most visually famous thoroughfares on Earth.

Famous Movie Props
Famous Movie Props

Visit to the set decoration department in this trivia game all about your favorite movie props.

Close-Up World Monuments
Close-Up World Monuments

We've zoomed in on some of the world's most famous landmarks to bring you this image-based game.

Name That Player: NBA Edition 2
Name That Player: NBA Edition 2

Take another court-side seat next to Jack and Spike with our second image-based trivia game featuring legendary NBA players.

Name That Musician
Name That Musician

Put your facial recall to the test one more time with this image-based trivia game featuring famous singers and songwriters.

Album Covers 5
Album Covers 5

Take a spin and drop the needle with another installment in our ongoing trivia series featuring classic album covers.

Name That Movie Star 2
Name That Movie Star 2

Put your facial recall to the test again with our second image-based trivia game featuring popular stars of the silver screen.

Name That Christmas Movie
Name That Christmas Movie

See just how many holiday hits you can recognize in this image-based trivia game featuring everyone's favorite Christmas movies.

Name That Player: NFL Edition
Name That Player: NFL Edition

Ready, set, hut, hut, hike! with this image-based trivia game featuring past and present NFL stars.

Name That Horror Movie
Name That Horror Movie

Match a spooky title to an even spookier picture with this image-based trivia game featuring classic and modern horror movies.

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