Even the smartest people in the room make mistakes... hopefully it won't be your trivia players. Try this fun trivia game on some of corporate America's biggest blunders!
In the mid 1990s, what book was rejected by over a dozen publishers that eventually launched a franchise worth more than $20 billion?
The collapse of Enron Corporation in 2007 popularized what phrase regarding the economic impact of companies going bankrupt?
What brick-and-mortar bookseller allowed Amazon to handle its online sales, effectively putting its physical stores out of business?
Coca-Cola's launch of "New Coke" in 1985 is seen as one of the biggest blunders of all time. What name was "New Coke" rebranded to before its eventual removal?
Unable to adapt its business, Nokia quickly went from being the worldwide leader in cell phones to last place. What country is Nokia based in?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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