Stay connected to what's going on in the world with trivia! Check out this ongoing trivia series about recent news and events.
Making for a record year in 2021 with more than 8,100 people killed in the United States so far, which of the following is causing approximately 54 deaths per day?
Professional golfer Jon Rahm was forced to withdraw from his first place position in the PGA's Memorial Tournament on June 5th due to _________________.
Recent studies have shown that the Great Lakes' temperatures are rising due to global warming. Which is the largest (by area) of the Great Lakes?
Restaurant delivery app DoorDash recently announced the launch of a chain of virtual convenience stores the company is calling _____________.
United Airlines recently announced it will add supersonic jets to its fleet. What was the most recent supersonic passenger aircraft?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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