Test your audience's knowledge of famous runners-up with this trivia game that truly proves winning isn't everything.
Thoroughbred racehorse, Man o' War, lost only one race in his career, the 1919 Sanford Memorial Stakes, when he lost to a horse fittingly named ___________.
What color is the ribbon commonly given to the second place finisher in contests that award a blue ribbon to first place winners?
In the Milton Bradley board game, "The Game of Life," the player with the most money traditionally retires in Millionaire Estates while the runners-up retire in ________________.
Which former U.S. President ran as a third-party candidate in 1912, placing second in both the popular vote and electoral college?
The 1998 Major League Baseball season featured an exciting home run race between Mark McGwire and ______________, who finished the season only four dingers behind McGwire.
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