Bad behavior surely makes headlines. Put down the tabloid and keep your nose clean with this interesting trivia game about famous scandals in history.
Heisman Trophy winner and former NFL athlete O.J. Simpson was charged and later acquitted for his ex-wife's murder. Where in Los Angeles did the crime take place?
The Teapot Dome scandal that besmirched the presidency of Warren Harding involved a cabinet official taking bribes from executives in what industry?
Eight players from what baseball team were banned for life after conspiring to throw the 1919 World Series?
In 2018, what actress was fired from her TV show after she sent racist tweets about former President Obama?
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 saw which oil company's share price fall dramatically after 4.9 million barrels of oil spilled into the Atlantic ocean?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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