This is our trivia series for 100% general trivia questions about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! Best if you want a completely general-topic trivia game.
The Rolling Stones gave the first performance on BBC's long-running show "Top of the Pops". With the song "Chasing Cars", which band or artist gave the final performance on the show?
In Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining", Danny Lloyd scrawls letters on a bedroom door. When read backwards, these letters approximately spell what word?
"Stainless steel" refers to a family of iron-based alloys that are resistant to oxidation. What metal must comprise at least 11% of the final product for it to receive the "stainless" designation?
This portmanteau's first recorded usage was in a February 2012 report written by Citigroup's Chief Economist. What was that word?
Many Scottish counties end in the letters "land", "thian", "ness", and others. But which five letter syllable forms the name ending for the vast majority of Scottish counties?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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