No need to worry about copyright infringement with our second collection of trivia featuring films, books, music, and more in the public domain.
Which of these slick songs, best known for the 1952 Gene Kelly musical of the same name, enters the public domain in 2025?
What power-inducing food is NOT one of Popeye's character traits set to enter the public domain in 2025?
What is the repetitive name of this beloved Belgian cartoon character who made his comics debut in 1929?
Which armed conflict does author Ernest Hemingway chronicle in his 1929 novel "A Farewell to Arms"?
What diminutively-named, high-pitched singer gained notoriety in the late 1960s with his version of the 1929 song "Tiptoe Through the Tulips"?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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