Laugh your way to love all over again with another heartfelt trivia game featuring popular romantic comedies.
In what city does a "Sleepless" Tom Hanks fall in long-distance love with Meg Ryan in a beloved 1993 romantic comedy?
Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, and Marilyn Monroe form a fiery love triangle in the renowned 1959 romantic comedy "Some Like it ___."
Who trades houses with Kate Winslet for Christmas vacation in the beloved Nancy Meyer's rom com "The Holiday"?
Punxsutawney, a small village in which U.S. state, is home to the titular weather predicting rodent in the 1992 Bill Murray rom com "Groundhog Day"?
What six-time Oscar nominee plays an animated princess come to life in modern-day New York City in 2007's "Enchanted"?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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