This Valentine's Day, find out which came first, the heartache or the trivia, with another collection of sad love songs.
Which classic rock band's 1975 single "Landslide" has been covered numerous times by bands such as Smashing Pumpkins and The Chicks?
What 1992 film soundtrack features Whitney Houston's record-setting rendition of the 1973 Dolly Parton ballad "I Will Always Love You"?
What beloved movie musical features Olivia Newton-John belting out the hopeful tune "Hopelessly Devoted to You"?
Which of these 90s alternative bands was "such a fool for you" on their 1993 single "Linger"?
What acclaimed pop singer included the piano-driven breakup song "Close to You" on her platinum-selling 2016 album "Anti"?
Plus ten more original questions. Create a free account to get started!
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